How to keep your Honda Bikes spick and span for longer

Buying a motorcycle is a huge investment and one that you should definitely consider. The difference that a good motorcycle can make to the quality of your life is amazing.

However, you should definitely keep it in the best nick to ensure you get the best out of it for as long as possible.

Here are a few tips for you:

It’s obvious but just clean, clean, clean. Make sure you do it at least once a week. Not only do your honda bikes look awesome, it also keeps you very much in the loop with regards to any changes that might be happening, like general wear and tear.

Third party help- getting your friend to check your bike every now and then might also help you spot potential problems before they get out of hand. When you see something every day, it’s hard to have a completely objective perspective on the changes that might be happening. Getting a fresh pair of eyes to check it over occasionally would be beneficial.

After sales care: make sure you are well looked after not just before and during your purchase, but after as well. Keeping in touch with your Honda dealer and asking for advice every now and then could help you keep your bike catwalk ready.

Check, check, check...your brake pads. We don’t need to tell you how dangerous it is not to have sufficient wear on our brake pads. Make sure you clean and check them after a lengthy ride. If they wear down to the bone, irreparable damage could happen to your bike. An expensive oversight!

Lubricate...your chain! Use the right chain oil and do this regularly. This is pretty much mandatory for the upkeep of your bike, without could be in trouble on a ride.

Monitor...your tyre pressure and wear. You’ll need to adjust tyre pressure depending on passengers and load so keep on top of this at all times. Also make sure your tyres are not wearing out. Shoddy tyres with minimal or worn out tread are the cause of many accidents.

Enjoy those tips and happy riding!

If you need any more information on honda bikes or Honda motorcycle parts, visit the rest of the site or give us a call. We’re always happy to give advice or lend a hand.